Tait Communications | Christchurch

Radio Training

View the Academy:  Tait Radio Academy


Academy Overview:

The Tait Radio Academy is a free online school dedicated to providing educational content about critical communications. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced professional, the Academy offers courses that cover a wide range of topics related to LMR (Land Mobile Radio) communications. Here’s what you can find at the Tait Radio Academy:


Courses: From radio basics to advanced topics, the Academy provides short, easy-to-consume courses on various aspects of radio knowledge. Whether you want to learn about radio wave modulation or explore emerging radio standards, there’s something for everyone. You can view the full list of current and upcoming courses on their website.


Discussion Group: Join the Tait Radio Academy Group on LinkedIn to connect with industry peers. Share your thoughts, ask questions, and build your professional network in the field of radio communications.

Certification: While the Radio Academy offers self-managed learning, it allows you to track your progress. As you complete each course, you’ll earn learning points and Radio Academy Certificates. These certificates can help you record your educational achievements.


The Tait Radio Academy aims to equip new Radio Managers, Communication Technicians, and IT Specialists with the knowledge needed to manage critical communication networks effectively. Their mission is to ensure safety and connectivity through networks that stay online2. So, if you’re interested in enhancing your radio expertise, consider exploring the Tait Radio Academy.